Cannabis sativa subsp. indica

Unii o consumă adăugând-o la prăjituri sau în alte preparate culinare, efectul fiind Cannabis sativa – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Dentro desta espécie há Subespécies diferentes, que também apresentam variedades, como a Cannabis sativa indica e outras. É comum o cultivo de Cannabis sativa indica, Cannabis sativa sativa e híbridas que são novas subespécies surgidas de cruzamentos entre as espécies.

indica vagy Cannabis sativa ssp. indica) van. Vad változatai 2–3 méter magasra is megnőnek. Könnyen felismerhető jellegzetes, tenyeresen összetett, 3-11 ujjú fogazott leveleiről. Hamp (art) - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi Hamp (Cannabis sativa), også kaldet almindelig hamp, er en art i slægten Cannabis.Det er en op til 3 meter høj, enårig urt.Den stammer oprindelig fra Centralasien og er en af de ældste nytteplanter i verden. Der Unterschied zwischen Cannabis Sativa, Indica und Ruderalis Sie gehören einer von drei Familien des Cannabis an - Sativa, Indica und Ruderalis.

These two major subspecies are called Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. A third minor subspecies of the plant is called Cannabis Ruderalis. Because the 

indica) est une sous-espèce du Cannabis sativa , une plante d'origine asiatique, de la famille des Cannabaceae . Considérée aussi parfois comme une simple variété botanique de cannabis , cette plante Cannabis sativa indica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre C. sativa subsp. indica [ editar datos en Wikidata ] Cannabis sativa ssp.

Egyes botanikusok szerint a Cannabis sativa egyetlen faj, aminek több változata, illetve alfaja (például Cannabis sativa var. indica vagy Cannabis sativa ssp. indica) van. Vad változatai 2–3 méter magasra is megnőnek. Könnyen felismerhető jellegzetes, tenyeresen összetett, 3-11 ujjú fogazott leveleiről.

ruderalis is not the focus of our article about the indica vs sativa duality, this type has to be mentioned as it is often in the company of these two. As a real underdog, it is even being debated about whether it is a species of its own or just a subspecies of cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa subsp. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist Cannabis indica var. kafiristanica Vav. Cannabis kafiristanica (Vav.) J.Chrtek Cannabis orientalis Lam. Cannabis sativa var. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist Cannabis sativa var.

Cannabis is one of the oldest crops known to mankind, with records of its cultivation dating back thousands of years. Hanf (Art) – Wikipedia Bei Cannabis sativa handelt es sich um einen Therophyten. Systematik. Die Erstveröffentlichung von Cannabis sativa erfolgte durch Carl von Linné. Ob der Indische Hanf (Cannabis indica) eine eigene Art oder eine Unterart von Cannabis sativa ist, ist umstritten.

Hașișul este o formă mult mai concentrata de marijuana, deoarece conține mai mult THC. Este de obicei fumat într-o pipă obișnuită sau una cu filtru de apă.

Cannabis sativa subsp. indica) podvrsta konoplje (Cannabis sativa), ova biljka je poznata čovjeku od davnina, korištena je u izradi užadi. Porijeklom je s azijskog kontinenta, a najprije je korištena u prehrani ljudi i životinja (6000. pr.

It has been cultivated throughout recorded history, used as a source of industrial fiber, seed oil, food, recreation, religious and spiritual moods and medicine. Cannabis indica - Wikipedia Cannabis indica is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. It is a putative species of the genus Cannabis. Whether it and Cannabis sativa are truly separate species is a matter of debate. The Cannabis indica plant is cultivated for many purposes; for example, the plant fibers can be converted into cloth.

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sativa) este o subspecie a speciei Cannabis sativa, specie care face parte din genul Cannabis, familia Cannabaceae.Cânepa este o plantă textilă larg răspândită și folosită pentru obținerea fibrelor vegetale, care sunt întrebuințate în industria textilă pentru obținerea țesăturilor. Cannabis sativa (hemp) - In his original 1753 classification, Carl Linnaeus identified just one species, Cannabis sativa. Lamarck (1785) determined that Cannabis strains from India were distinct from the common hemp of Europe, based on stem and leaf morphology, and named the new species C. indica Lam. Cannabis Indica vs Sativa: How Are They Different? Even though Cannabis sativa L. subsp. ruderalis is not the focus of our article about the indica vs sativa duality, this type has to be mentioned as it is often in the company of these two. As a real underdog, it is even being debated about whether it is a species of its own or just a subspecies of cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa subsp.